Nature is built on cycles: the changing seasons, the phases of the moon, day and night, death and rebirth… Behind every fruitful chapter is a period of dormancy. Even when things appear to be coming to an end, renewal is waiting around the corner.

We live in a culture where hustling is praised, and rest, despite its necessity, is rarely rewarded. It can be easy to buy into the idea that denying our needs is a respectable way to live. But our bodies and our spirits are built on cycles, just like the rest of nature. When we move with our natural rhythms, that’s when we thrive.

Perhaps you’ve found that your biggest moments of growth have emerged after you’ve paused, introspected, and tended to your own needs. Perhaps sitting in the depth of the soil was exactly what you needed to be able to unfold in all of your striking colours.

In Rebelle Zine’s fourth issue, RENEW, our newly grown team connects with artists and wellness advocates to explore how they find renewal through their work and extend this gift to their communities.

Content Warning: This issue includes mentions of mental health, suicide, and addiction.

Background Image: “Dark Blooms” by Katrine Claassens

This series of scans documents bouquets of wild and feral plants collected from the railway tracks, pavements and vacant lots of Montreal. It bears witnesses to the diversity and beauty of nature that persists in these untended, unintended patches of life.